Youtube – What do the YouTube movie ratings mean


While perusing in the "new" movie section, I noticed some movies have "ratings." eg: L, N, S, V, D.

What do those letters mean?

Best Answer

The YouTube Content ratings are based on Language, Nudity, Sexual Situations, Violence and Drug Use


  • L : Strong Language

    Content rated L may contain some expletives and profanity; however such words should be infrequent and not used in a sexual context. Content with expletives and profanity that have been bleeped should be rated L as well. An L may also indicate suggestive dialog, sexual innuendo, or other discussion of adult themes. Other L-rated speech may include the expression of strong views and opinions that viewers are likely to find offensive, disrespectful, or otherwise controversial.

  • L+ : Explicit Language

    Content rated L+ may contain persistent use of expletives and profanity. It may also include coarse and vulgar dialogue that is sexually explicit.

  • No Strong Language

    Content rated No strong language should be free of any strong, coarse, or other potentially offensive language. Even mild cursing such as "hell" and "damn" or words that are bleeped should be rated as L or L+.


  • N : Minimal covering

    Content rated N may contain individuals who are minimally clothed (e.g., low cut tops, underwear or revealing bathing suits). Content rated N should not contain any fleeting or prolonged nudity, including exposed buttocks, genitalia, or areola.

  • N+ : Some nudity

    Content rated N+ may include content featuring exposed buttocks or partially nude breasts. Content rated N+ may also contain full nudity where the context is appropriately educational, documentary or artistic.

    Note: Some shows and movies may contain N+ content that would generally not be accepted on the site. Videos originating from the YouTube user community must abide by the YouTube Community Guidelines and may not be permitted to include such content.

  • No Nudity

    Content rated No nudity should be free of nudity or partial nudity of any kind.

Sexual Situations

  • S : Mild sexual situations

    Content rated S may contain mild sexual activity or themes. This includes implied sex acts, light or comedic fetish references or behavior, or the presence of mild sexual situations or discussion.

  • S+ : Explicit sexual situations

    Content rated S+ may contain explicit sexual content. This may include dramatized sex acts, explicit sexual situations or discussion.

    Note: Some shows and movies may contain S+ content not otherwise permitted on the site. Videos originating from the YouTube user community must abide by the YouTube Community Guidelines and are not permitted to include such content.

  • No sexual situations

    Content rated No sexual situations should be free of any sexual conduct or themes. Brief displays of affection, such as a kiss or hug are excepted.


  • V : Mildly violent or disturbing

    Content rated V may contain mild, comedic violence, fantasy violence, or isolated incidents of realistic violence. However, any violence depicted should not be gory, pervasive, or sexual in nature. Similarly, V-rated content may contain a small amount of other imagery or situations that are disturbing or repulsive to sensitive viewers (such as real or dramatized medical footage, or depictions of disgusting or scary content in a horror or fantasy context).

  • V+ : Strongly violent or disturbing

    Content rated V+ may contain violence that is persistent, intense, and graphic. Content rated V+ may include pervasive imagery or situations that are disturbing or repulsive to the average viewer. This may also include animated content, if it features realistic depictions of extreme violence or other extremely disturbing or repulsive imagery.

  • No violence or disturbing content

    Content rated No violence or disturbing content should be free of violence, injury, or other imagery that may be considered gory, disturbing, or repulsive to sensitive viewers.

Drug Use

  • V : Mild drug use

    Content rated D may contain mild drug use, including excessive or persistent consumption of alcohol or tobacco. It also may include incidental or comedic use of drugs such as marijuana, sativa, hallucinogens or prescription pharmaceuticals. Implied, non-graphic use of other drugs, such as heroin, may be rated D as well.

  • V+ : Drug use

    Content rated D+ may contain graphic, fictional depictions of drug abuse and display of drug paraphernalia. Content rated D+ may also contain actual depictions of drug abuse where the context is appropriately educational, documentary or scientific.

    Note: Some shows and movies may contain D+ content not otherwise permitted on the site. Videos originating from the YouTube user community must abide by the YouTube Community Guidelines and are not permitted to include such content.

  • No Drug abuse

    Content rated No drug abuse should be free of any drug abuse. However, fleeting and moderate consumption of alcohol or tobacco by adults as well as responsible use of medications may appear.