YouTube – Why Can’t Upvote/Downvote Some Comments?


Usually on YouTube there are top comments that you can vote, and comments under these that can't be voted up or down.

For example I go on this link while I'm connected to YouTube:

I see the thumbs up / down for the first 40 comments then the 41st and below have no thumbs up/down anymore.

enter image description here

Why is this?

Best Answer

This is probably due to the comment system overhaul that happened around the end of September 2013.

An NBC News article mentions this:

The new comment system is in effect now, and you can check it out at any YouTube video. The old comments are still visible, but are trapped in stasis: You can't reply to or rate them. A YouTube representative told NBC News in an email that the the team is "looking into" adding replies or ranking to the old comments, but there's no guarantee.

So with that you'll note that any comment left before the end of 2013 will mostly likely no longer be something you can vote up or down on.