YouTube – Why Don’t I See Ads?


Alright I understand Ads are annoying at times, but its been a while since I am not seeing any ads on YouTube. Well all I see is a white background with the Skip Ads Button and a Timer kind of thing at the bottom-left. Also, I am not using YouTube Premium.

This is all that I see before the actual video.

No ads

So does anyone have an idea about this? I'm just curious to know why am I not seeing any ads.

Best Answer

I'm not exactly sure what the problem is, but it sounds like it might be a problem with YouTube. If it is then you can get something like CCleaner which clears all the cache and things that need to be cleared and that can help a lot of the times.

If you put code in the HTML that might be affecting it, or maybe the country region is making it like that. There's also a chance that it is your account. These are all just small steps that I'm not sure if it will fix it but will help you get a better gauge on the issue. And maybe restart your computer if you did everything and it's still not showing ads correctly.