Youtube – Why is someone not allowed to see the private video on YouTube even though I have shared it with them


I have added their email address to the list of people who can view my private video. Why are they getting a notification that the video is private? I have noticed that their email address shows up as "name unavailable". Does this have something to do with it and why is it happening?

Best Answer

Quote from YouTube Help about Video privacy settings:

A private video can only be seen by you and the users that YOU select.

You have to select a real User with a Google Account (formerly known as YouTube Account). This means that the eMail Addresses you select (when sharing privately) have to be the same as those used to login by their respective Users.

When YouTube is used in conjunction with a linked Google+ Profile or G+ (business) Page, then the sharing works differently. Privacy is then controlled via the Circles Feature.

Questions to ask yourself:

  • Have you linked your YouTube Channel to a G+ Profile or a Google+ Page?
  • Did you setup your Circles (to manage Contacts)?

There are 2 groups you have to understand:

  • Your Circles
  • Extended Circles

For a better understanding of how the Google+ Circle Concept works, please checkout the following links: