Wire Stripping – Best Trick to Strip Wire in the Middle


I have a simple 22 AWG wire that needs to connect to multiple elements. Every connection is a solder joint. I would rather not cut up small wires, as it's for a batch run.

Normally I'd love to use daisy chained wire harnesses (google it) to connect some elements to a same wire, but this will not work in this application.

Is there a standard way to remove a bit of insulation from the middle of a wire?

Best Answer

I've an automatic wire stripper like this:

automatic wire stripper

Picture from SW-Stahl

It basically does what Peter Bennetts answer suggests and cuts / pulls the insulation apart.

I've used it like you needed before and it worked quite well, but it will also push the insulation around. If you need a very precise spacing, it will be tricky to get that right.

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