Choosing right trimmer and capacitor in LM317 circuit

lm317potentiometerpower supply

I am working on stable, low ripple +22V power supply for TLC5940 IC. I am working a circuit based on the model of Texas Instrument's LM371 circuit datasheet's diagram, page 7. Now, what kind of R2 and CADJ should I use for this circuit. Is Bourn's 3362 Potentiometer right choice for this task and how should I connect it to circuit, since it has three terminals. And, what kind of capacitor should I use for CADJ. I am working in Eagle.

Best Answer

For CADJ use an electrolytic capacitor of 4.7 to 22 microfarads (TI used 10 microfarads for testing electrical characteristics of LM317).

Check Figure 3 / page 8 in the datasheet.

Here is how to connect the potentiometer:


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

By the way, you can use a 3.9 kiloohms resistor instead of potentiometer or trimmer. You'll get almost 22 V.