Code to add two 4bit numbers in verilog doesn’t work


I have a code that adds two 4 bit numbers; unfortunately it is not working for every case even though the formulas are really simple and I don't find the problem…

module part2(SW, LEDG, LEDR);

    input [17:0] SW;
    output [17:0] LEDR;
    output [4:0] LEDG;

    //Red lights for each one
    assign LEDR[17:0] = SW[17:0];

    //Wires between adders.
    wire carry[2:0];

    //Add the first digits of A and B
    full_adder F0(SW[4], SW[0], SW[8], LEDG[0], carry[0]);
    //Add the second digits of A and B
    full_adder F1(SW[3], SW[1], carry[0], LEDG[1], carry[1]);
    //Add the third digits of A and B
    full_adder F2(SW[6], SW[2], carry[1], LEDG[2], carry[2]);
    //Add the last digits of A and B
    full_adder F3(SW[7], SW[3], carry[2], LEDG[3], LEDG[4]);


module full_adder(A, B, CI, S, CO);

    input A, B, CI;
    output S, CO;

    assign S = A ^ B ^ CI;

    //Carry out
    assign CO = (A & B) | (CI & A) | (CI & B);


It seems to work for most cases but look what happens with 1 and 10:

enter image description here

Best Answer

Typo in your code:

full_adder F1(SW[3], SW[1], carry[0], LEDG[1], carry[1]);

should instead be

full_adder F1(SW[5], SW[1], carry[0], LEDG[1], carry[1]);