Gain Margin – Confused Regarding Gain Margin and Stability

bode plotloop-gainnyquist plotphase marginstability

I plotted the bode plots of the transfer function:
G(s)= 2.123×10^6 ((0.105s+1.01))/(s^2 (s+12566.37) )

It is as follows:

enter image description here

As can be seen, it shows the gain margin as negative infinity, however loop is said to be stable. I am confused by this as I have studied until now that negative gain or phase margin implies instability. Can someone help me out?

Edit: A photo of the function:

enter image description here

Best Answer

No - the stability margin is positive.

For low frequencies, the phase is -180deg - that means: The minus sign at the summing node is included in your analyses. So you have the correct loop gain function - and the stability limit would be reached when the phase is -360 deg (or 0 deg) for positive magnitudes. No problem at all - you are "deep" in the stability region.

(Note: Only when the minus sign at the summing node is NOT included in the loop gain function - as shown in some books/articles - the stability limit is at -180deg).

Comment: Because you have mentioned the term "gain margin" I have assumed that the shown function (and the plots) is the loop gain of a circuit with feedback - and you are interested to know if the closed-loop will lead to a stable system. Is this correct? If not, the question regarding gain margin makes no sense.