Design and analysis of Two inductor boost converter

boostdc/dc converter

how to decide inductance values in case of two inductor boost converter?
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Best Answer

The design in the question is two parallel boost converters feeding a common load via their respective diodes. The phasing of each switch will be 180deg apart to minimize ripple on the output but the basic equations for a single inductor still work.

Treat it like a single inductor discontinuous boost converter: -

  • Output voltage (above Vin) and load determine max power given to load by switching.
  • Half the max power divided by switching frequency is energy required to be stored in each inductor (to be released when switch goes open circuit).
  • Choose inductor value to suit switching frequency so that at (typically) 50% duty the current has risen to a level that provides the energy to sustain max load wattage in the load.

If you are wanting to work in continuous mode then look up the equations but take account that the max energy per cycle needed to sustain power in the load is shared between the two inductors.