Does FPGA have internal clock source


I know this is a super elementary question but I am a one day newborn baby in FPGA field!

For years I have worked with AVR and now I am just starting FPGA learning. I want to know if they have an internal oscillator like AVRs for clock source or it should be prepared externally with something like crystal oscillators?

Best Answer

Most FPGAs have a PLL clock synthesis block that generates the clock/s you need from some kind of source. That source may be an external crystal plus amp circuitry in the chip, or an external resonator, or an on-chip resonator, or something else, or a combination/choice of multiple options.

The only way to know the real answer for a particular chip, is to read the data sheet of that particular chip. When you work with any piece of electrical component, you should get ahold of, and read, the data sheet for that component. This, btw, is also true for the Atmega328p on the Arduino boards -- if you haven't yet read the Atmega datasheet, then you're probably not yet ready to move on from AVR MCUs to FPGAs ;-)