Dual Dc regulated voltage circuit design


I'm working on my term project which is designing a dual DC regulated voltage that gives a DC voltage between +or-ve 3 to +or-ve 15. I have completed the testing for positive DC output part, but I have few inquires. (refer to design image below first please)

First for my choice of resistors values in the regulator part R3,R4, and R5. For variable resistor R4, since I'm given a potentiometer of 10K I have choose that value, but the other two resistor I used this formula taken from LM317 regulator data sheet

v0 = 1.25v(1+Radj/R1)

My question is does the values of R3 =1.1k and R5=1.5K practical for the real implementing of the circuit? is it logical?

Also, when I tried to test the negative DC out voltage it's not correct although I have used the same design done for the positive DC?

enter image description here

Best Answer

First, you need to go back to the datasheet for the regulator. There is a specification for minimum output load current. My recollection is that value is 5 mA.

That current determines the value of the resistor connected from the output of the regulator to the Adj pin. R3 & R9 in your schematic diagrams.

1.2V / 5 mA = 240 Ohms. Note that 240 Ohms is used in all of the app notes for the regulators.

Note that you can now treat the regulator Adj pin (with that resistor installed) as a current source. The output voltage is the voltage across the resistor from the Adj pin to ground PLUS 1.2V. Because there is a constant 5 mA current from R3, it's easy to calculate the value of the resistor to ground.

Note that the value of R3 & R9 can be changed to make things easier for you. 240 Ohms is the highest value you should use but you can safely go lower. This may make it easier for you to pick a pot value that is more readily available.

Also note that your negative regulator can't be the same as the positive regulator unless you use separate unregulated supplies. The negative regulator would need to be a LM137 (or LM337), not a 117 or 337.