Electrical – 3 phase transformer to output 2 wires

high-currentthree phasetransformer

Is there a way to connect transformers secondarys so that I get only two output wires and not three(It doesent mater if the wires aoutput 3 phases or 1 phase or some wierd signal).

This is step down transformer and it outputs big current.Tranformer now is set to 8 V AC output.

And will the transformer draw equal from all 3 primaries.

This is the schematic of transformer.

transformers schematic

full transformer in real life

Best Answer

3 phase to single phase is not possible simply, you would need a lot of extra stuff, like phase shifters (load sensitive), or motor-generator (big'n'heavy), or rectifier-inverter (the preferred route these days).

If you want to stick to wiring, then there are two options.

You can use one of the output phases with respect to the star neutral. This will load only a single phase.

Or, you can use two phase outputs with respect to each other, without using the neutral line. This will get you sqrt(3) more voltage, but no more current. This will load two of the phases equally.

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