Electrical – Basic Op Amp Question


I am trying to use a LA6500 to increase the current output from my MCP4725 that I am controlling with a raspberry pi. I have Pin1 attached to the output of my DAC pins 2&3 are connected to my pi's gnd, pin 4 it connected to a small fan and pin 5 is connected to a 5v pin on my pi. With this setup I was expecting the OP-Amp to output the same voltage but with more current availble but it only outputs a steady 5 v output. What am I doing wrong?


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I've changed the wiring to be a follow voltage but now I can't get it to go to zero, it will go to ta high point and a midpoint but not to a zero point. Any help is appreciated sorry if this is too basic.
Just wanted to say Thank You to everyone for helping me. It has been several years since I have last had to work with any OPAMPS and I am trying to reteach myself some of the stuff I have forgotten since college. This has been an informative experience.

Best Answer

You should not connect pin 2 to GND but connect pin 4 to pin 2 in order to build a voltage follower.

enter image description here