Electrical – Frequency response of an ideal LC circuit

capacitorcircuit analysisfrequency responseinductor

Does the frequency response of an ideal LC circuit exist? The frequency response of a system is defined as: $$\int_0^\infty{h(t)e^{-j\omega t}dt}$$ where \$h(t)\$ is the system's impulse response, but an ideal LC circuit is marginally stable, i.e. its impulse response doesn't decay or blow up as time approaches \$\infty\$, so it makes sense that the integral doesn't converge, therefore it shouldn't exist. Am I wrong?

I might be, because the frequency response is used to solve for the output of the circuit. If a sinusoidal input \$a\sin(\omega t+\theta)\$ is provided to the circuit, the forced response is equal to \$|H(j\omega)|a\sin\big(\omega t+\theta+\angle H(j\omega)\big)\$ (from this lecture), where \$H(j\omega)\$ is the frequency response. If I assume that it exists, I get the correct forced response (as if I solved it through undetermined coefficients if I instead formed a differential equation). So does/doesn't it exist?

Best Answer

Does the frequency response of an ideal LC circuit exist?

Yes, why not?

Am I wrong?

Yes. It's obvious that the pulse response is a pure harmonic function because it is a resonance circuit without resistance.

Let the pulse be a voltage dirac pulse of value \$1 V\$ at \$t=0\$, and the output signal the voltage over the capacitor. Then it's clear that at \$t=0\$, \$U_C=1 V\$ and that the impulse response is a harmonic voltage starting at \$U_C = 1 V\$ with an angular frequency \$\omega_0 = \frac{1}{\sqrt{L C}}\$ (IIRC).

Then \$h(t)=cos(\omega_0 t)\$

Why bothering you with that?
Well, because \$\int_\infty^\infty cos(\omega_0 t) e^{-j \omega t}dt = \frac{1}{2}[\delta(\omega - \omega_0) + \delta(\omega + \omega_0)]\$.
I guess that integrating from 0 to \$\infty\$ gives only the \$\delta(\omega-\omega_0)\$ term.