Electrical – How to design a high impedance buffer circuit


How can I design a buffer circuit that takes an input of +/- 10V and scales it down to a 0V to 5V.

The idea is to design a circuit that is microcontroller compatible (can be read by an analog-in pin by a typical 5V microcontroller) with input signals from Eurorack modular synthesizers outputting +/- 10V.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

I think I need a high impedance input but don't know what kind of transistors to use or what configuration to use them in.

Best Answer

Something like this will probably work for you:

For R1 = 49.900K the ideal value of R2 would be 20.43904K and R3 would be 89.331K approximately.

The 4.096V source could be a 0.1% tolerance series reference that can sink or source current such as ADR3440. You can play with the resistor values to make them from standard values for R2/R3 as you like so long as the ratio of R1:R2:R3 is kept the same and the values are not too high or too low.

There should be a bypass capacitor on the op-amp supply and input or output protection may be required in a real circuit.

The op-amp has to be a rail-to-rail input and output type for +5V only supply.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Note that if you leave the input open you will get an output voltage of 3.333V.