Electrical – How to get working UA741CP IC

amplifierfeedbackoscillatorphase shiftvoltage

Recently I've decided to build a simple RC oscillator circuit using UA741CP IC as an amplifier in my circuit. I think the way I connected the resistors and capacitors to the chip is correct. But the only thing that is not correct is power supply. You see, I've been told to power the chip by two separate power supplies. Even if I did this, the circuit wasn't working and it was drawing 0A. Nothing was working.

Schematic I connected it according to:

enter image description here

UA741CP pinout:

enter image description here

Now the way I have my circuit connected:
enter image description here

My power supply looks like this:

enter image description here

If you know the solutions, please let me know and explain it to me in details so I can continue in my work.
Thanks in advance!

Best Answer

I don't think that's a dual power supply, I think it's a single power supply with a chassis earth terminal between the two output terminals.

You need a supply with positive and negative outputs or two supplies that you can connect in series (the minus terminal must not be grounded for that to work).

You can verify by measuring the voltage from -V to GND and +V to GND with a multimeter.