Electrical – How to make a fan speed regulator with a pot and a voltage regulator


I want to make a simple fan speed regulator, but my electronic skills are failing me. I want to be able to slow down two computer fans.

I have in my hands a 12V/1A power suply, 2x 12V/0.2A fans, a B10K potentiometer and a 7805 and a 7812 ICs.

Can I make it with those? If yes, how? If not, what do I need for that circuit?


Best Answer

You can try this. It might not be the best but it uses the parts you have.

Range is a bit less than 6V to about 9.5V so you can't set it to full speed.

The 6V low end is more of a feature since most computer fans will stall if you drop the voltage too low.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Pretty much any PNP transistor can be used for Q1 (well, don't use a 4GHz RF part).