Electrical – I need a simple example of IRF510 mosfet


I am attempting to duplicate the circuit of IRF520 Mosfet Driver module. I am however a bit confused at all the examples ive found online. I want to turn on and off 12v but i have to supply 5 volt to the IRF510 so im wondering if someone can draw a simple diagram of how I wire this up to arduino … I am also not able to find IRF520 so i'm instead using IRF510 instead.


Best Answer

Based on the pictures it is wired this way.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

It is supposed to be 3.3V or 5V compatible, but an IRF520, and the IRF510, threshold voltage range is 2V to 4V so 3.3V is optimistic at best.

It also lacks a gate resistor so may blow out whatever is driving it. If you drive anything inductive with this you also need a fly-back diode.