Electrical – IPC-7351C polarization mark in real-life


I know IPC-7351C is not released and probably won't be for… forever? The draft version of IPC-7351C differ from what's out there in the wild in many ways. For example, the draft uses a bar instead of a dot to indicate pin 1.

Has anyone seen any PCB with IPC-7351C land patterns in the wild (any photo, maybe)? Does the new silk screen cause any confusion at PCB assembly manufacturers?

Best Answer

One example is a card I recently design.

enter image description here

As you can see U1 follows this convention which is capture in IPC-7351C

Likewise here is a render of a card I have in fabrication+assembly (2more weeks and you would see a picture and not a render)

enter image description here

As you can see, U2, U8, U7,U3 ... follow this convention.