Electrical – n equation for the cutoff frequency of a chebyshev filter

cutoff frequencyfilterlow pass

I have this circuit here which is a low pass chebyshev filter, I have been asked to find it's cutoff frequency. I have used matlab to plot an output response against angular frequency graph here. But I'm unsure of how to find the cut off frequency from this, is there an equation to do this?
enter image description here

Best Answer

The usual definition of the cut-off frequency of a (type I) Chebyshev filter is shown in the figure below:

enter image description here

The common practice of defining the cutoff frequency at −3 dB is usually not applied to Chebyshev filters; instead the cutoff is taken as the point at which the gain falls to the value of the ripple for the final time.

Knowing the characteristics of a Chebyshev filter helps in computing the cut-off frequency (as defined above) without explicitly solving the equation \$|H(j\omega_0)|=c\$, where the constant \$c\$ is chosen according to the definition of the cut-off frequency.

The squared magnitude of the frequency response of an \$n^{th}\$ order type I Chebyshev filter is given by


where \$T_n(\omega)\$ is the \$n^{th}\$-order Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind, \$\omega_0\$ is the cut-off frequency as defined above, and the constant \$\epsilon\$ specifies the pass band ripple, as shown in above figure. You should know the exact value of \$\epsilon\$ from your design specifications, but I can estimate it from your figure: \$\epsilon\approx 0.23403\$ (note that you need to take into account that the maximum of your transfer function is \$\frac12\$ instead of \$1\$, so the smallest (linear) pass band value is given by \$0.5/\sqrt{1+\epsilon^2}\$).

In order to find \$\omega_0\$ we need to compare the expression for the actual transfer function to the one given by (1). It's a basic exercise to show that the transfer function of your filter is


Knowing that \$T_3(x)\$ is given by


we can compare the factors of the highest power of \$\omega\$ (which is \$\omega^6\$) of the denominators of (1) and of the squared magnitude of (2) for \$s=j\omega\$:


From (4) \$\omega_0\$ can be expressed as

$$\omega_0=\sqrt[3]{\frac{8R\epsilon}{L^2C}}\approx 3829.7\text{ rad/s}\tag{5}$$

where I've used the approximate value of \$\epsilon\$ given above.