Electrical – PIC16F15345 Microcontroller, RA5 Digital Input Pin Issues


I've been having a very strange problem with my PIC16F15345 microcontrollers. I'm trying to read a digital input state from a specific pin on the microcontroller (Pin2, or RA5). My setup code is below:

#include <xc.h>
#include <pic.h>
#include <pic16F15345.h>

#define _XTAL_FREQ 32000000

#pragma config WDTE = OFF

void main(void){
    OSCFRQbits.HFFRQ = 0b110; //set HFINTOSC to 32MHz
    OSCCON1bits.NOSC = 0b110; //set clock to HFINTOSC
    TRISA = 0b11111111; //set all portA bits to input
    ANSELA = 0b00000000; //set all portA bits to digital input
        //loop forever;

I'm using the latest XC8 compiler, MPLABx IDE, and a PICKIT3 programmer. I'm using an arduino's output pins to toggle the state of the input pin on the PIC, so I don't have to worry about debouncing and can trigger state changes via software.

If I want to measure RA4, or pin3, I can use the debugger to check the value of the PORTA register, and it shows a change of state corresponding to what I'd expect. PORTB and PORTC are also working normally.

However, for some reason, RA5 will always read 0, no matter what the input voltage at the pin is (I've verified 4.8V at the pin with a multimeter).
At first I thought maybe I damaged my input via ESD, so I changed to another IC of the same model (I ordered 3 from Digikey), and the problem persisted. I changed to the 3rd and final chip, but the problem was still there.

I've been trawling the microchip forums for answers, but no avail so far. Any advice is appreciated!

Best Answer

http://www.mouser.com/ds/2/268/40001865B-1082596.pdf Check TABLE 1-2: PIC16(L)F15325 PINOUT DESCRIPTION (CONTINUED) Only Select GPIO function Disable all other functions.