Electrical – Scattering Parameters and different load


I am somewhat confused as to the correct usage of s-parameters. Looking at the problem statement below, would the S-parameters given need to be "transformed" due to the load impedance being different than the reference impedance for calculation purposes?

In other words, can calculation be performed using the given values to find voltages or power at port 2 directly or do the values containing a_2 or b_2 need to be "transformed" to the correct reference impedance?

I hope this makes sense. I have skimmed various literature on the subject but most seem to only deal with matched loads, perhaps someone could clarify or guide me towards literature which deals with such cases.

Confused about S-paramters

Best Answer

would the S-parameters given need to be "transformed" due to the load impedance being different than the reference impedance for calculation purposes?

No, the S-parameters don't need to be transformed. Since the load \$Z_L\$ doens't match the reference impedance \$Z_0\$, it will have a nonzero reflection coefficient. This will combine with the part labelled as "two-port network"'s S-parameters to produce a different net reflection looking in to the 2-port than if it were loaded with a matched impedance.

You could, of course, alternatively transform everything to a different reference impedance matching the load.

The result would be the same.