Power Electronics – Using 220V Transformer on 110V Input

componentspcbpower electronicsshort-circuit

I've been looking for 115v primary 9v secondary 3.2va power rating PCB transformer and couldn't find any to replace the one that was fried. All I find is dual one, instead for example 4 pins it has 8 pins, and 220v once.

Could I use 220v primary 9v seconday 3.2va even the input is 110v?
It's for coffee machine Saeco.

Can I use the dual output and just use one pin?

Here is a picture of a transformer I need (size and shape)
enter image description here

Thank you

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. Double-primary, double-secondary wiring options.

The twin 110 V primary type transformer can be configured as shown in Figure 1 (a) and (b) to work on either 220 V or 110 V wiring. Just ensure that the transformer VA rating matches or exceeds that which is replacing - and given that the original burnt out "exceeds" would be better.

You may have to stand it off the board and connect with flying leads.