Electrical – VHDL: Using internal signals in testbench


I'm trying to use one of my design's internal signals in my testbench. I already know how I would do it in Verilog:

Goertzel i1 (
// port map - connection between master ports and signals/registers   
always @ (posedge i1.en) //do something

en is the enable signal I generate in my sistem, it is a signal declared in the top module, which is created in one element of the system, and then distributed to some of the other elements via port maps.

So, in VHDL testbench, I want to do something like:

uut: Goertzel PORT MAP (
          RST => RST_s,
          CLK => CLK_s,
          X => X_s,
          Y1 => Y1_s,
          Y2 => Y2_s
wait until "/goertzel_tb/uut/en/" = '1';  //path to variable, read in Questa

What is the correct syntax? Or is there a way to do this?

EDIT: Tried this:
Declared spy_en signal within TB file, and then did:

spy_en <= << signal.goertzel_tb.Goertzel.en : std_logic >>;

Questa gives errors.

Best Answer

Not exactly what I was looking for, but it does the trick as it should! How can I get internal signals to testbench in VHDL 97 and ISim?