Electrical – What determines the voltage of an electric motor


What determines the operating voltage of an electric motor? And could an AC motor be run at a lower voltage (i.e. 80v) and how? I'm not sure if its the windings turns or thickness of the wires which determine this but I'm guessing it's something related to this. I'm trying to understand if there is a possibility to build an ac motor to be run on lower voltages with a dc supply into a controller (VFD).

Best Answer

For an AC asynchronous motor, it's the voltage-time going into magnetization within one half-period. The lower the frequency is, the lower the voltage has to be to avoid over-excitation during the half-cycle and thus, excess currents.

So you can always run a given AC asyncronous motor at a lower voltage than rated, at the expense of a likewise lower torque (and power). Lowering the voltage also offers you the opportunity to reduce the frequency (and power, again). The figures are mostly proportional.