Electrical – What happens with a diode and a battery in this circuit?


What would happen if I have a battery and a diode in a circuit with the diode trying to force the negative part of the battery to the positive part? Just wondering…


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

You would have a somewhat fuzzy-worded short circuit. Depending on the exact realization,

  • if you put the diode in the direction shown in your picture, it will not conduct, and nothing will happen.

Earlier answers (before you included the circuit):

  • if you have a battery with a voltage lower than the voltage at which the diode starts conduction very little would happen
  • the diode could explode, or fail less spectacularly, probably open
  • some wire could melt
  • the battery could start to boil, leak, explode, or just fail
  • a moderate current could flow, limited by the resistances in the circuit, until the battery is empty

If you are referreing to an ideal battery and diode: you would have created a circuit that violates the requirements for being analyzable.