LTspice – Why Can’t MOSFETs Be Edited by ‘nmos’?


update: I edited question so that it will be mainly related to LTspice

enter image description here

OK, now I have used irfz44n for an example model, I realized that, by using the directive above(nmos), I am not able to modify Vto value. However if I use the second one(vdmos), I can control the Vto value. But while choosing the mosfet from component selector, I get it from "nmos" option. I wonder why this is the situation? Should I use vdmos instead of nmos all the time?

Best Answer

The problem is the vdmos model IRFZ44N already exists in the component databases.

enter image description here

Adding a .model IRFZ44N nmos(..) card will not change the type of the IRFZ44N to a monolithic mosfet.
You are therefore not able to manipulate the parameters of the IRFZ44N using .model nmos(..), but you can change them using .model vdmos(..)