Electronic – +-33V Overvoltage and reverse polarity protection


I found on this forum a schematic (Zener + MOSFET overvoltage protection).
But It does not work and I can't figure out why. this is the schematic:
enter image description here

I want to protect the power supply of an opAmp form voltage above 33V (and symetric -33V). It's maximum votlage is +-45V.
For some reason M3 is always conducting and doesn't deactivate when M1 is conducting.. Which should bring M3s gate to the same voltage than M3s source, thus deactivating M3.
I know there are many other circuit possible do achieve what I want to do. But I'm wondering why this doesn't work because thoereticly it seems ok to me. For my academic knowledge ^^.

Thanks for your help.

Best Answer

I can't reproduce your problem, it works for me. The green graph is the voltage over the load with increasing input voltage.

enter image description here

enter image description here

And for the negative side with the corresponding n-channel (and rotated diode): enter image description here