Electronic – about the code for fir filter


Below is a 4 tap filter. That means the order of the filter is 4 and so it has 4 coefficients. the input is signed type of 8 bits wide. The output is also of signed type with 16 bits width. The design contains two files. One is the main file with all multiplications and adders defined in it, and another for defining the D flip flop operation.

The main file is given below:

library IEEE;

entity fir_4tap is
port(   Clk : in std_logic; --clock signal
        Xin : in signed(7 downto 0); --input signal
        Yout : out signed(15 downto 0)  --filter output
end fir_4tap;

architecture Behavioral of fir_4tap is

component DFF is 
      Q : out signed(15 downto 0);      --output connected to the adder
      Clk :in std_logic;      -- Clock input
      D :in  signed(15 downto 0)      -- Data input from the MCM block.
end component;  

signal H0,H1,H2,H3 : signed(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal MCM0,MCM1,MCM2,MCM3,add_out1,add_out2,add_out3 : signed(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
signal Q1,Q2,Q3 : signed(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');


--filter coefficient initializations.
--H = [-2 -1 3 4].
H0 <= to_signed(-2,8);
H1 <= to_signed(-1,8);
H2 <= to_signed(3,8);
H3 <= to_signed(4,8);

--Multiple constant multiplications.
MCM3 <= H3*Xin;
MCM2 <= H2*Xin;
MCM1 <= H1*Xin;
MCM0 <= H0*Xin;

add_out1 <= Q1 + MCM2;
add_out2 <= Q2 + MCM1;
add_out3 <= Q3 + MCM0;

--flipflops(for introducing a delay).
dff1 : DFF port map(Q1,Clk,MCM3);
dff2 : DFF port map(Q2,Clk,add_out1);
dff3 : DFF port map(Q3,Clk,add_out2);

--an output produced at every positive edge of clock cycle.
    if(rising_edge(Clk)) then
        Yout <= add_out3;
    end if;
end process;

end Behavioral;

VHDL code for the component DFF is given below:

library IEEE;

entity DFF is 
      Q : out signed(15 downto 0);      --output connected to the adder
      Clk :in std_logic;      -- Clock input
      D :in  signed(15 downto 0)      -- Data input from the MCM block.
end DFF;

architecture Behavioral of DFF is 

signal qt : signed(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');


Q <= qt;

  if ( rising_edge(Clk) ) then 
    qt <= D;
  end if;       
end process; 

end Behavioral;

I have written a small test bench code for testing the design. It contains 8 test inputs which are serially applied to the filter module. See below:

USE ieee.std_logic_1164.ALL;
USE ieee.numeric_std.ALL;

END tb;


   signal Clk : std_logic := '0';
   signal Xin : signed(7 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   signal Yout : signed(15 downto 0) := (others => '0');
   constant Clk_period : time := 10 ns;


    -- Instantiate the Unit Under Test (UUT)
   uut: entity work.fir_4tap PORT MAP (
          Clk => Clk,
          Xin => Xin,
          Yout => Yout

   -- Clock process definitions
   Clk_process :process
        Clk <= '0';
        wait for Clk_period/2;
        Clk <= '1';
        wait for Clk_period/2;
   end process;

   -- Stimulus process
   stim_proc: process
      wait for Clk_period*2;
        Xin <= to_signed(-3,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(1,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(0,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(-2,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(-1,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(4,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(-5,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(6,8); wait for clk_period*1;
        Xin <= to_signed(0,8);

   end process;


The main question is the simulation result is coming good and whether this code will work on fpga virtex 4 device.I am using xilinx software and this software has ip core generators but i am not using them because i want to get good coding practice.

Best Answer

Add to your testbench a monitor process that watches the output and compares it to the expected value, allowing for the delays through the filter.

Your VHDL style is better than some - even better than some textbook examples I have seen, but still: a few comments :

  1. Using named rather than positional assignment for the "dff" component instantiations would save possible confusion between inputs and outputs for anyone trying to follow the pipeline. This doesn't really matter here, because :

  2. you can eliminate the dffs altogether; replace them with lines of the form Q1 <= MCM3; in the same clocked process as Yout <= add_out3; that greatly simplifies the whole filter.

  3. You can reduce number of conversion functions by making H0..3 integer types; and if they are constant, make them constants! As multiplication between signed and integer is defined,no other changes are required.

    type coefficient is new integer range -128 .. 127;
    constant H0 : coefficient := -2;

  4. Lose the redundant parentheses in if ( rising_edge(Clk) ) then - this isn't C!

  5. The DRY principle applies in VHDL too... there are several ways to apply it to the testbench : my choice would be a local procedure.

   stim_proc: process

      procedure Input(D : in integer range -128 .. 127) is
         Xin <= to_signed(D,8); 
         wait for clk_period*1;
      end Input;

      wait for Clk_period*2;
        Input( 1);
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