Electronic – Adding two transformers


I need a high turn ratio transformer in a small package. Is it feasible to put two small transformers together, as follows:

enter image description here

Two small turn count transformers would be smaller than a single transformer in the sizes I need.

Can I use this transformer pair somewhat equivalently as a single transformer? Anything I should look out for? Thanks!

Best Answer

Two small turn count transformers would be smaller than a single transformer in the sizes I need

That's unlikely to be true for the following reason. The size of the transformer is largely dictated by the power it has to transmit through its windings and this, in turn, dictates the core size. Any ratio transformer is permitted provided there is enough room to cram-in the wires. Using two transformers to transmit (say) 1W of power means both have to be rated to pass this power and this means that they will together, occupy twice the volume of one transformer.

It's another matter if you can't get hold of a certain size transformer but there is always the option to rewind the secondary.

Here's a 100:1 step up transformer that is 6.6mm x 6.6mm: -

enter image description here

Do you need one smaller than this?