Electronic – Altium: How to change several components at once in order to save time and effort


I am drawing a schematic in Altium Designer. Sometimes, I need to change some components from one value to onther. For example, I have 10 capacitors of 1 pF and need to change them all to 2 pF. Is it possible to do it at once instead of change each capacitor separately.
This will of course help me to save time and effort !!

Best Answer

Learn to love "Find Similar Objects". Right-click on the object, change 'Value' from 'Any' to 'Same' and it should find all the 1pF capacitors.

It will highlight them when you click apply, and if that's right (and it should be, unless there are more than one type of 1pF capacitor, in which case you should apply some distinguishing feature) then click 'okay' to bring up the SCH inspector dialog.

You can then change the value to whatever you like, as well as change many other characteristics. The changes are applied immediately, not through the usual validate and execute.

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