Electronic – approximate impedance Z% to X% neglecting resistance in > 25MVA transformers


I extracted this table from Network Protection & Automation Guide – Alstom which is based on IEC 60076 (although X/R ratios are not part of IEC 60076).

And I saw that X/R ratios increase as rated power. Also, as I'm looking for a transformer bigger than 100MVA, can I assume that Z% is equal to X% in order to calculate its leakage inductance?

Best Answer

If you assume Z = X and R =0, what would the actual value of Z if X/R = 5? Say X = 2%. For X/R = 5, R would be 0.4%. The aortal value of Z is the square root of the sum of the squares of X and Z or Z = 2.04%. So you have a small error. In other words, if X/R is 5 or larger, R is negligable.