Electronic – arduino – Can the atmega168 bootloader be installed with arduino uno


I have an arduino unu (pre-made) with the atmega328 and an atmega168. I am wanting to make a second arduino out of the 168. I don't have a USB programmer. The chip came out of some servo contorller board so I am guessing the arduino bootloader is not already installed. Is it possible to program with my uno, and if so how? Connection to the arduino instead of the computer when sending sketches is fine as long as I can disconnect it from the uno for use.

Best Answer

You can use an Arduino as a programmer for other chips. The sketch is called "ArduinoISP".

See these pages: http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoISP, and http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/ArduinoToBreadboard

Basically, you power the target processor and connect to its in circuit programming programming pins.

For a AtMega168 select the board type of "Arduino Diecimila or Duemilanove w/ ATmega168" as the target.

Here is one important tip. You have to disable the auto-reset of the programmer that occurs when the serial port is opened. Do this right before you select "Burn BootLoader" in the IDE. I have seen putting a specific pullup value on it as well as a big cap on the reset line. I had a breadboard Arduino so I just disconnected the reset line.