Electronic – arduino – Op-amp input stage for Arduino Due ADC – guitar signal


I am trying to design an op-amp input stage to capture a guitar through an ADC, specifically the ADC on an Arduino Due (3.3V, 12 bit). I am aware there are numerous ways to configure and bias the op-amps. I have designed a simple circuit based on a inverting amp followed by an active LP filter. The system will be running off a 9V battery and the power will be provided to the op-amps and uC (regulated) from this.

The aim being:

  • Bias the signal around Vdd/2 (mid of ADC input range)
  • Amplify the signal to use best of the ADC's range
  • Lowpass filter the input signal at Nyquist rate (fs/2) to avoid aliasing

However, I have been unable to find much information on what the benefits or drawbacks of different configurations and methods of biasing are, specifically for this kind of signal. I have not yet measured the voltage output of my guitar so the specifics of the required gain properties are not known yet! Aslo, will I require a high input impedance for a guitar?

Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

Generally a guitar amp would have about 100k (or greater) input impedance - this is because the tone controls and volume controls are about that sort of range. Yours has 10k input impedance. I'd make R8 100kohm and R7 1Mohm

Your 2nd stage is not needed - it has unity gain for the relevant frequencies and your filter cap might just as easily be placed across R7 but obviously 100x lower in value because R7 is 100x bigger than R10. But having said R7 needs to be 1Mohm (above) the cap needs to be 1000x lower like 15pF.

I'd also use an input jack socket with an earth switch integral then you can disconnect the battery when not plugged in.