Electronic – Getting the desired output voltage swing from the op amp output


I am designing a microphone preamplifier circuit. I have used op amp OPA 37 which amplifies the signal coming from the microphone to be used by the ADC. The usable voltage range of ADC is 0-2.5V. I am using a 9V power supply and two biasing resistors at the input to obtain the output voltage swing. The bias point is at 4.5V. I want to know what can be done at the output of the op amp to get the bias point at 1.25V so that it can be used by ADC.
In the actual circuit microphone replaces signal generator.
enter image description here

Best Answer

What about taking the output from C3 and putting that into a summing amplifier? http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/electronic/opampvar5.html

In input is your audio and the other is 1.25V.

Since this is audio, you probably don't care about inversion of the signal.