Electronic – arduino – Turn on a 7812 Voltage regulator using an Arduino


I'm using an Arduino in a project, but this is not an Arduino question! I'm able to switch 5+ volt high or low using a digital write pin. I need to use a 7812 voltage regulator to regulate voltage coming in to some other power transistors, but it does not need to be on at all times consuming power and creating heat. I'm wondering if I can use an NPN transistor to turn on/off the GND to the 7812. Is it just as simple as hooking up the NPN to the 7812? Also, will I need a high power NPN since the 7812 will be drawing upwards of 1.4 amps? Is there a much better way to switch the 7812 on and off?

Best Answer

I dont think there is really a clean safe way to do that, you could instead chose other regulators in the market which have a specific input pin to enable/disable the regulator like this one for example, http://www.linear.com/solutions/1703.