Electronic – Assigning x in verilog


Assume there exists a 1 bit data output port and a 1 bit dataValid output port for a module. Is it OK to assign 1'dx to the data output when dataValid is assigned 0? Will this create synthesis issues?

EDIT: X optimizations seem to happen in both Synopsys DC and Cadence RC. Consider this code (a and b are 1-bit inputs and c is a 1-bit output).

if ( !a && !b ) c= 0;
else if ( a && !b ) c = 1;
else if ( !a && b ) c = 1;
else c = 1'dx; // Don't care about this value.

gives an OR gate which is an optimized solution as opposed to an XOR which would have been inferred if c were set as 1'd0. This is a simple example but it seems to prove that synthesis tools do perform X optimization. Considering nasty X propagation bugs and verification troubles, are X assignments worth the saved area?

Best Answer

Never assign an X in a reachable code-path, only use X for propagating simulation unknowns. This will make life slightly easier in the long run. If you want to optimise don't care logic, do that explicitly (and pick the optimum value for the unused state). That way, you get consistent behaviour more of the time (hopefully always)

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