Electronic – Can a DC CC power supply be used for current limiting in a circuit with a battery in series

constant-currentcurrent-limitingpower supplyseries

In circuit #1 I showed typical adjustable power supply usage it can limit voltage and current, all good.

It got me thinking. Let's say due to some reasons I can't replace battery with a power supply but I can connect it in series like showed in circuit #2. If I set power supply voltage to 0V (to keep same voltage) and current limit to some value.

Would it limit the current? Can I damage power supply by doing it? If I set positive or negative voltage would it still work the same?

enter image description here

Best Answer

  • A current source is defined as high impedance has no voltage regulation with the load.

  • A battery is defined as a voltage source with low impedance has no current regulation with the load.

  • When the two are in series, you still have a current source ( or sink if on the low side)

  • Unless the current is limited and voltage limited to match the load exactly, you have no regulation. But this is done with LED strings designed for the CC source.