Electronic – Can KiCad enforce a copper pour/plane


Is it possible to get KiCad to represent and then enforce (via design rules) the inclusion of copper pours? Something like this:-


I know it can be done manually at the layout stage, but can it be incorporated into Eeschema and the layout editor? If you have several pours/planes it all gets complicated. I can't find any suitable component in the schematic library, and clearly you can't have a predefined footprint. So there appears to be no way to capture a pour on the schematic, other than in my (unchecked) graphical manner. Is there a cheat?

Idea (feature request): Not great, but Eeschema could include a pour component like it has an oscilloscope component. And then the layout editor could enforce that the pour component has been at least associated with a copper pour (notwithstanding it's geometry).

Best Answer


How would such a feature work anyway? What would be the boundaries of pour1 and pour2? You could perhaps envision a pour outline as a part of a footprint, but that is also not possible (and would still create all sorts of issues during layout).