Electronic – Can you drive a MOSFET directly from a microcontroller


I am trying to build a MOSFET switch circuit.
The MOSFET I am looking to use is FDN327N.

For MOSFET switches, I would add a resistor to limit the initial current rushing into the gate of MOSFET to protect whatever driving it. But for the FDN327N, gate charge is only 4.5nC and I am wondering if the gate resistor makes sense (in my mind it will only slow the switching and does nothing).

Is there any harm for switching the FET that has such a low gate charge directly from the microcontroller?

Best Answer

There are several reasons for using a gate resistor, like:

  • Damping ringing between wire inductance and gate capacitance;
  • Slowing down the switching transition and preventing spikes (will also help with EMC);
  • Reducing the gate drive current spike to a level the microcontroller can safely handle.

If any of these apply for your application, you must use a gate resistor, or another method.

On the other hand, if your application isn't critical re switching speed, there are no good reasons not to include a gate resistor other than component count; I would still add a small one (say 100Ω as Andy suggested) to prevent or reduce possible problems; it is the safe way of doing things.

At the low switching frequency you mention it will do no harm other than slowing the switching action a bit and very slightly increasing power dissipation in the MOSFET for the very short period during the switching transition.