Electronic – Chaining transistors. why does first led not light


I am trying to understand transistors by experimenting. Having a pushbutton drive a single transistor to switch on an LED works, but trying to drive the second transistor from the first has me confused. Even though the second transistor turns on and drives its own LED, the LED of the first transistor doesn't switch "on" any more.

Can someone explain the theory why the first LED doesn't turn on?

This question is similar to my previous question 2 but I specifically want to know why this circuit behaves that way.

my circuit

Best Answer

The Circuit-Lab Simulator says that bot LEDs should turn on, although D2 will be brighter than D1 as there's almost 3 times the current flowing though it.
Check your construction and take some measurements to debug what's going wrong.


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

enter image description here