Electronic – Charging NiMH Batteries


I'm wondering if MAX712 would charge 4 Eneloop batteries in series. I don't know if it will charge them safely and if it will charge them the correct way. How much voltage will need to be provided to charge the batteries?

Best Answer


  • There are better newer ICs to use.

  • This IC will damage newer high capacity NiMH cells (see below)

  • Note that the page that you referenced said

    "All versions are Not Recommended for New Designs."

I was going to say that it would be an OK charger IC BUT a look at the MAX712/713 datasheet shows that the IC is now dangerous junk and should not be used to charge modern higher capacity NiMH cells (such as Sanyo Enelooop batteries).

The problem is that the IC is always in only one of two states - fast charge or trickle charge. Whereas older lower capacity NiMH cells could be safely trickle charged, newer higher capacity one MUST NOT be trickle charged. This is because the structures and chemical present in older cells which allows recombination of Hydrogen gas formed at end of charge cycle is not present in modern cells - as the manufacturers have 'stolen' the space to make room for additional active material.

  • I looked at as many manufacturer's recommendations as I could find in recent years and none of them 'allowed' trickle charging in the time honoured sense (For NiCd this might have been as high as C/10 indefinitely). Some manufacturers "allow" a very low post charge trickle charge rate for a very short time or in one case an exceptionally low ongoing rate (C/1000?) but this is not the norm.

    The change from OK to forbidden tends to be capacity based and will vary by manufacturer but, as a very rough guide, an AA cell of <= 1600 mAh capacity when this was "leading edge" still allowed trickle charging. However, now that manufacturers have become accustomed to making cells which are averse to trickle charging, even if they make a low capacity 'budget' cell, there is no certainty that they will re-equip the lower capacity cells with the ability to be trickle charged.

    While it is not 103% certain where Eneloops stand in this matter, it is exceedingly unlikely that trickle charging them is a good idea, and their ultra-low self discharge rates (years) means it is not necessary.

There are better newer ICs to use. Note that the page that you referenced said
"All versions are Not Recommended for New Designs."