Vacuum Tube – Chart Translating Old to New Tube Symbols


Im looking for a chart that helps you translates the old tube symbol into the updated format. enter image description hereblank

Best Answer

Your tube symbol is indeed ancient. It seems to be a triode having three elements:

  • A directly-heated filament/cathode (filament + cathode are combined into one element)
  • A grid
  • A plate

ancient-to-modern tube symbols
Most modern tubes have indirectly-heated cathodes. They separate cathode and filament into two separate elements. If you do have a tube with directly-heated cathode, you would show this as a filament, and omit the cathode. You should make it clear that the filament symbol serves two purposes: cathode + filament.

Many modern tubes contain two triodes. Like 12AX7. They are shown with a split-open envelope. One would be titled 12AX7a, the other 12AX7b.

Tube base pin #'s are very often added to a schematic.
It is often customary to not show indirectly-heated filaments. Their wiring clutters-up a schematic diagram. Filaments are shown elsewhere on a schematic, with pin #'s and text added to show which tubes they belong to.