Electronic – Ciruit Board with traces on top and bottom


I was looking at re-making a Circuit board. The Circuit board I have has the same exact traces on top and bottom. I cant figure out why this would be done. Any one have any idea why you would have the same layout for traces on top and bottom side?


Pretty much its a back plane that takes a 50 pin ribbon cable from the back side of the board to a 65 pin quick connect to front side of board. with the other 15 pins, they go to other connectors that are connected to DMM , Spec Anlizer , o scope ect..

enter image description here

Best Answer

For lower volume PC boards manufactured in the U.S. or Canada, it is usually much, much cheaper to just use a board house' cheapest and most standard setup: 2 layers, 0.0625" thick FR4 board, green soldermask, standard drill sizes, etc. This way, they don't have to change the work flow. If that is the case, then you get the bottom side for "free" so you might as well use it to decrease resistance and improve reliability.

Duplicating the top layer is also a no-brainer. Don't bother laying out the bottom layer. Just copy the top gerber file and rename it as the bottom gerber file. Any text will read backwards though :)

You can use a text merge program (used by SW dudes) to see if there is any difference between the top and bottom gerber files. They are simple text files. If exactly the same, this is probably what the previous engineer did.