Electronic – Clock Deskewing and flip flops


I have a question in my text book that I do not quite understand. I was wondering if someone could please explain what the question means? Such as, what is a deskewed flip flop. How would one find the max frequency of the clock from the diagram?

Below is the question (8.83) with the corresponding diagram at the bottom:

enter image description here

Best Answer

I used almost this exact same circuit many years ago when I did hardware design and I would need a better memory and time to remember the details. It's not a "deskewed flip-flop" but a "deskewing flip-flop". The idea is to make sure the asyncronous input to the system occurs in line with the system clock and doesn't change erratically. The flipflops help latch the data in and hold it stable till the system gets a chance to handle it.

I wish I had the time to think this through but it's been almost 20 years since I've done this and I think I might be getting old.