Electronic – Coarse counter giving incorrect pulse length measurements at high frequencies


I am using a simple counter to measure pulse length. I have copied the code below, but the counter increments by 1 at each positive edge of the clock. Once the counter is done incrementing for that pulse, the current count is multiplied by the time period to get the pulse length.

I assumed that increasing the clock frequency would give a more accurate time measurement since the period is smaller. However, the measured values at high frequencies are becoming less accurate, especially for longer pulses.

Any idea why a 400MHz clock would give a worse pulse measurement compared to a 200MHz clock? I thought 400MHz would perform better since it's period, and maximum error, is 2.5ns while the 200MHz clock has a period of 5ns.

              ///////////////////////HDL counter code for 400MHz clock///////////////////////
module count    (
out   ,        // output of the counter
in_1  ,        // input signal
clk   ,       // clock input
reset         // reset input

    input in_1, clk, reset;
    output out;
    reg [15:0] out;
    reg [15:0] counter;
always @(posedge clk)
if (reset)      
  counter <= 16'b0 ;         // if reset is high reset the counter to 0
else if (in_1) 
  counter <= counter + 1;  
else if (in_1 == 16'b0)      
    if (counter !== 16'b0)   
        out <= 2.5*counter;     
counter <= 16'b0;           // reset counter once the input signal returns back to zero

                   ///////////////////////Testbench with 400MHz clock///////////////////////
`timescale 1ns/100ps

module count_tb;

//parameter SYSCLK_PERIOD = 20;// 50MHZ

reg clk_1;
reg in_11;
reg reset_1;

wire [15:0] out_1; 

    clk_1 = 1'b0;
    in_11 = 1'b0;
    reset_1 = 1'b1;
    in_11 = 1'b1;
    reset_1 = 1'b0;
    in_11 = 1'b0;
    in_11 = 1'b1;
    in_11 = 1'b0;
    in_11 = 1'b1;
    in_11 = 1'b0;
    in_11 = 1'b1;
    in_11 = 1'b0;

// Clock Driver
    #1.25 clk_1 = ~clk_1;
// Instantiate Unit Under Test:  counter
count count_0 (
    // Inputs

    // Outputs
    .out( out_1 )


ModelSim Waveform at 200MHz clock
ModelSim waveform from 200MHz clock

ModelSim Waveform at 400MHz clock
Modelsim Waveform from 400MHz clock

Summary of Pulse Measurements at 200 and 400MHz
Summary of Pulse Measurements

Best Answer

When I run your simulation, I measure the period of the clock as 2.6ns, not 2.5ns. You need to use a smaller time precision value. Change:

`timescale 1ns/100ps


`timescale 1ns/10ps

With 100ps precision, the simulator rounds your #1.25 delay to #1.3. Since you really have 2.6 instead of 2.5, you get a large discrepancy because the multiplier in your calculation does not match:

out <= 2.5*counter;     

When I make the change, I see out_1 values of 1115, 423, 40 and 3078.

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