Electronic – Confusion with the nameplate of an induction motor

induction motormotor

Regarding the below nameplate of an induction motor:

enter image description here

What is meant by?:


Does that mean if delta connected the line to line voltage must be 220V? Im confused also because isnt 220 phase voltage and 380 lne voltage? Could you explain this question with diagram?

Best Answer


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Figure 1. Two connection methods.

The windings on your motor can take 220 V between their terminals.

  • On a 220 V 3-phase supply you connect as shown in Figure 1b.
  • On a 380 V 3-phase supply you connect as shown in Figure 1a.

Note that in each case the voltage across each winding is 220 V while the voltage between the supply terminals may not be.

It is simple trigonometry to show that the 380 V phase to phase voltage is \$ \sqrt 3 V_{p-n} \$.