Electronic – Connecting a microcontrollers ground pin to a reference above ground


When I was at work the other day I was pulling apart an LED fault detection unit. I noticed they were using an Atmel ATtiny13A as the brains.

The interesting thing is this unit was multi-voltage and so they were connecting 9-33V to the microcontroller's Vin and then using a zenor diode to reduce the Vin by 5V then connecting the microcontroller's ground pin to Vin – 5V. Lastly they dissipated the remaining voltage with a resistor connected to ground.

The reason for them doing this was so it could interface Vin on its digital pins without any additional circuitry.

My question is, is this a normal thing to do (The microcontroller still had 5V between Vin and Ground pins)?

Is there some limiting factor stopping you from using the same logic and connecting the micro to 1000V at Vin and 995V at ground?

At what point does the voltage become too high to do this?

Is the only thing stopping this at higher voltages arcing out to other components etc

Thanks! 🙂


simulate this circuit – Schematic created using CircuitLab

Best Answer

This is equivalent to deriving the 5V from a much higher voltage, and the same problems apply. For the power, any fault in the voltage-reduction circuitry can destroy the uC. For the logic, it must be within the 0-5V range as seen by the uC.