Electronic – Current divider and capacitor


I have this circuit which looks like a current divider but with an extra capacitor.
I want to know how Ia , Ib, Ic change as the capacitor begin to charge, i do know one thing after a time of 5 RC the capacitor will be about 99.5% and the first branch ( the one with the capacitor ) will be considered open, and we can consider the whole branch not there.
enter image description here

( the source is a current source)

Best Answer

Well \$I_c\$ will always be the sum of \$I_a\$ and \$I_b\$.

\$I_c = I_a + I_b \$

Assuming that the current supplied to the circuit is constant:

\$I_c\$ will be constant.

At the first instant, the capacitor is completely empty and acts like a short circuit. So the current is distributed like in a normal current divider. After the capacitor is fully charged, it acts as an open circuit and no current will flow through path B.

Now what happens between those two points: The voltage across both paths must be the same (parallel circuit):

\$U(t) = I_a(t) * R_a\$

\$U(t) = I_b(t) * R_b + U_c(t)\$

\$U_c\$ is the voltage across the capacitor.

with that we end up with:

$$I_a(t) * R_a = I_b(t) * R_b + U_c(t)$$

Substituting the first statement this changes into:

$$(I_c(t)-I_b(t)) * R_a = I_b(t) * R_b + U_c(t)$$

Now we keep two things in mind: \$U_c(t) = \frac{Q_b(t)}{C}\$ and \$I(t)=\dot Q(t)\$ using this we end up with this lovely differential equation:

$$\frac{Q_b(t)}{C*(R_a+R_b)} + \dot Q_b(t) = I_c * R_a$$

Solved to (hopefully):

$$\large I_b(t) = I_c*\frac{R_a}{R_a+R_b}*e^{-\frac{t}{C*(R_a+R_b)}}$$

As for \$I_a(t)\$ well it has to add to \$I_b(t)\$ so that the result is constant.

$$\large I_a(t) = I_c (1-\frac{R_a}{R_a+R_b}*e^{-\frac{t}{C*(R_a+R_b)}})$$

Credits go mainly to this German Wikipedia article as I'm quite rusty with this kind of stuff.

Assuming that the voltage supplied to the circuit is constant:

\$I_a\$ will remain constant as it's just a simple resistor.

\$I_b\$ will behave like the charging current of a RC circuit. That is: $$ \large I_b(t) = \frac{U}{R} e^{\frac{-t}{RC}} $$ So together: $$ \large I_c(t) = \frac{U}{R}e^{\frac{-t}{RC}} + I_a $$