Electronic – Current Limiter, can someone troubleshoot this circuit


so I am trying to limit the current output with x2 3904 transistors and a sensing resistor. This is currently what I have, but am not sure why it doesn't work.

enter image description here

That current supply is going to be a photo-resistor (or something along those lines). The line going out is hooked up to a constant 10V DC. So right now with this simulation I am varying the current from 0-10mA, however I want it to limit at 3mA, how would I achieve this? Is this circuit even wired correctly? Any help is greatly appreciated. I also don't exactly know how to choose the value for R5 (in this circuit).

PS. I don't know if it's needed, but the output voltage should be around 6V. And ouput is the lower of the 2 wires going to the right of the screen.

Best Answer

There is another way to implement a current sink when you have a regulated voltage available. It often works well enough. You can consider using it since you have 10V available.

Simple Current Sink

The base current will be IC/beta. Choose R2 and R3 so that the current through them is 10x the base current or more.

It is a good idea to keep Vemitter at around 0.5V or more. But the collector of Q1 can't be lower than Vemitter, so keep that in mind. I have used this for driving blue or white LED's from 3.3V or from a Li battery.